Nonprofit Directory


We’ve compiled self-reported information from 501(c)(3) organizations serving Arlington County here. Search by keyword, area of impact, or filters including: populations served, type of work, population scope, leadership demographics and budget size. Click “learn more” to open an organization’s full profile. Here you can find links to their website, social media, and financials, mission and program statements, info on how to get involved, and more! Other resources you might find helpful include Volunteer Arlington, which connects individuals, groups, and businesses with local volunteer opportunities, and Propublica’s Nonprofit Explorer, which is a free resource for browsing nonprofit tax returns. Charity Navigator is another popular resource for vetting nonprofit organizations. If you have any questions or feedback about the directory, please contact us.

Are you a nonprofit looking to be included? Apply here!

Are you a nonprofit who’d like to update their profile? Click here!

Want to browse and support the year-end needs of 40+ local nonprofits in one easy place? Visit the 5th annual Nonprofit Holiday Wish Catalog!

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Arlington Community Foundation

Voluntarism & Philanthropy

Arlington Community Foundation uses the power of philanthropy and its role as community convener and catalyst to improve the quality of life in Arlington and beyond.

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Arlington Neighborhood Village

Voluntarism & Philanthropy

To enable seniors to continue living safely, independently, and with an enhanced quality of life in their own homes and communities as they age by providing access to support services and social programs.

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Arlington Soccer Association

Voluntarism & Philanthropy

Provide quality soccer programs and experiences for youth of all abilities, backgrounds and financial means to encourage personal growth, promote a love for the game, and advance soccer in Arlington and surrounding communities.

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Festival Argentino

Voluntarism & Philanthropy

Our mission is to foster cultural exchange by sharing the rich heritage of Argentina—including its music, cuisine, and traditions—with diverse communities in Arlington. We are committed to promoting volunteerism and supporting small businesses, all while nurturing global education opportunities for young people in Arlington, Virginia.

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Friends of the Mount Vernon Trail

Voluntarism & Philanthropy

The Friends of the Mount Vernon Trail supports the National Park Service in keeping the trail safe and welcoming for all users through education, trail maintenance, and community events.

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Junior League of Northern Virginia

Voluntarism & Philanthropy

The Junior League of Northern Virginia is an organization of women whose mission is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.

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Voluntarism & Philanthropy

OutLaw's mission is to advocate for the rights and well-being of the LGBTQIA+ community, engage in meaningful dialogue and activities that promote unity and understanding, and educate the public and our members about pertinent issues.

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