Giving. Growing. Gathering.
FY2024 by the numbers.
*What this means
Field-of-interest funds equip donors to support a cause they care deeply about in a flexible, but highly impactful way. With this 51% increase compared to FY2023, that’s a lot of flexibility and impact. If you want to financially support a charitable passion in broad terms – such as education, healthcare, LGBTQ+ causes, the environment, or youth – in a way that isn’t bound to a specific organization, while utilizing the expertise of ACF, field-of-interest funds let you do just that, and in as broad or as narrow terms as you decide (see The Fund for Arlington Arts as an example).
*What this means
In Arlington, for a household with 2 working adults and 2 children, this is what the adults must collectively earn to cover basic needs (food, housing, childcare, etc.). With thousands of essential workers making a fraction of that, and a drastic shortage of deeply affordable housing, many families who make Arlington livable simply cannot afford to live here themselves.
Explore our current funds and the Arlington Nonprofit Directory, find what you love, and show it some love
Starting your own ACF fund amplifies your charitable giving in a way that can grow and give over time – possibly forever
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